Milling trip 2, day 4

We’ve managed to cut around 50 joists so far and have been turning the bits not deep enough to be a joist into wood for our staircases. We’ve settled into our rythem, we’re making progress and then morning rain.

Milling Trip 1: Day 11

The pile of wood we have is modest, but it includes the most difficult pieces of wood to cut. The ridge beams, for example, are each over 10 meters (32 feet) long and it took nearly a full day just to prepare the log for those cuts. But, once things were ready, they came one after the next (though the cut was so long we would have to refuel midway).

Milling Trip 1: Day 6

Milling posts. That has been the focus for the past few days and today just might be our last day of it! The prospect of being finished with house posts is especially pleasing since the sort of tree the posts are made out of are a little bit nasty! What makes them annoying is the needle-like fibers in the bark of the tree which get stuck in our clothes and just cause constant itching. But, apparently they last so long they are passed from parent to child, so that’s neat.