Thank you for praying with us for the work in Kovol.
Ongoing prayer & praise topics:
- That the Lord would be glorified as we live our lives in Kovol.
- For the spiritual health of our team members as we continue to grow in our relationships with the Lord and learn to rely on Him in every aspect of life.
- For our children to thrive as they regularly encounter new environments and challenges as well.
- For the hearts of the Kovol people, that the Lord would be preparing them to hear His Word and respond.
Current prayer & praise topics:
- We are so thankful for the enthousiasm of the Kovol people to take time to teach us their language and show us their way of living. Praise God for that!
- With a couple of Kovol people passing away recently and learning more of people’s thinking here, we realise how much they live in darkness. We feel the urgency of our task. Pray that the Lord would provide extraordinary language learning abilities so we can build relationships and communicate clearly.
- Pray for wisdom in how to balance our time and energy between language and culture study, hanging out with our new Kovol friends, time with our family, time as a team and doing projects on our houses.
- Pray for wisdom in making decisions about community projects, how can we help without creating more dependency.