Being shown up
Yesterday I fixed the ethernet connection to Rhett’s house and I felt like a man. Today I feel like a little boy 😀
Yesterday I fixed the ethernet connection to Rhett’s house and I felt like a man. Today I feel like a little boy 😀
Late last week friends of ours from another Kovol village came and said “hey, we’re going to do a bride price exchange ceremony next week. Would you guys be interested in coming to see?” Of course, we were! The village in question is a 2 to 2 1/2 hour hike Read more…
One day of language learning is easy; 5 is Hard (with a capital H!).
I’ve been noticing a theme lately. Many times since we’ve moved here, I have thought that life here was quite overwhelming. With medical cases to fumble through, relationships to build, and a full quiver of children needing schooling and attention, it has often felt, in the words of Tolkien, “like Read more…
Returning to Kovol didn’t feel like an overwhelming, crazy experience. When we moved in the excitement among the Kovol people was so high we were rushed off our feet the entire time. Now that our team has been living full time in Kovol for 2 years and people have gotten used to us and the boundaries we’ve set things are a lot calmer.
There was a big crowd of people here to greet us of course, but we actually spent most of the day inside playing with our kids, unpacking, cleaning and fixing. The pressure to spend every waking moment outside is gone, and it just helped us immensely as after a year of us being away our house needs a bit of attention!
ith our flight set for next week it’s time to shop for our 2-5 months in Kovol (we don’t have plans for when we come out for our first break). We generally plan 2 months of supplies at a time and we’ll request a helicopter supply flight when our supplies of pasta get low 🙂