Gerdine hiked down to a Kovol garden 3 hours away and spent the night there as part of her language study. She filmed a little bit of her journey and talked about it – in Dutch, but don’t worry there are English subtitles 🙂
Getting ready for Bible translation
I started the week with a translation kick-off. I had a phone call with a translation consultant here in PNG who talked me through the procedure, the available tools and a suggested order to translate. With the kick-off done, I'm ready to start translation. At some point, I'll get to attend a team translation workshop where my teammates and I along with some Kovol helpers are led through the process and use the workshop to draft a chunk of scripture under supervision. One of these isn't scheduled just yet, so after my kick-off, I'm ready to have a go.
1 Comment
Lois S. · 03/05/2024 at 11:05 pm
Thanks, Gerdine for making this video. It is great to see your trip!