Living in a remote jungle location is a challenge, but quite possible. The Kovol people manage it of course, and equipped with a survival guide perhaps we could too.
Living in a remote jungle location while being fruitful and productive in church planting work; well that’s another matter entirely which requires a team.
The NTM PNG team, consisting of expat missionaries and national workers, make it their job to ensure that we can do ours effectively.
Most noticeably (for the Kovol people) is the helicopter that brings us our supplies, freeing us from the full time work of growing our own food to survive and giving us time for ministry.
So of course there’s a pilot. But who maintains the helicopter to ensure it’s airworthy? Who purchases the supplies and gets the to the airport at the right time? Who makes sure the right people are charged for those supplies? Who maintains the network that enables us to order the supplies and the supply buyers to keep track of what’s what? Who maintains the offices that these people need to work out of? Who makes sure all these people have valid work permits?
Keeping us healthy, supplied, and productive requires (to name a few):
- Doctors and nurses
- Supply buyers
- Book keepers
- Maintenance personnel
- Printers
- ICT personnel
- Tech services
- School teachers
- Security coordinators
- Language consultants
- Translation consultants