July 19 video update
Stanley news this July
Stanley news this July
Plan A had us going back into Kovol to start milling at the beginning of June. Helicopter maintenance delayed us by about 2 months, and a good thing too – our chainsaws just arrived!
Our other means of communication is when Kovol people hike over to the Pal missionaries a 4-hour hike from them. Several times now Kovol people have come over to ask “So… where are our missionaries?”
We know that in the coming months, we will not get these opportunities. Rhett will be gone more than he will be at home, and there will be days when patience and tears run dry. We were so thankful that the Lord gave us this gift of an actual relaxing family weekend together before all that insanity commences. He didn’t have to, but he did anyway. Author of all good things indeed.
This past 2 weeks of allowing ourselves to rest – to not look for work or productive things to do at all has been wonderful. No emails for 2 weeks (thanks in part to my antivirus updating and interfering with my email program :)) and lots of time to explore with Oscar.