Well, we’re off again into the wild blue yonder and looking forward to what this next trip has for us.

Today has been a little quiet as the rain rolled in early in the afternoon and we’ve retreated to our tent house. Still though, we were able to get our house in order and our chainsaws fired up. One of the chainsaws immediately broke, but we took a hammer to it and it learned its lesson, it is more complicit now!

Over the break we were able to find all the parts we needed to get the chainsaws back running, but only just enough. The part in particular which keeps breaking (maybe it doesn’t like being fixed with a hammer?) currently has no spares. We had hoped our order from Australia would have come before today, but no such luck.
Also during the break my dad got to building. Here he made our couch become a reality…

And here he made a sweet bucket shower for our tent city…

Tomorrow we hope to get out and milling some wood, please be keeping us in your prayers these next three weeks!