September video update

Just before we head out of Kovol for our annual conference we took the time to shoot a quick update video. If you’ve been reading the blog it’s nothing new, but it’s always nice to see our faces right? We also don’t assume and expect that everyone keeps up 🙂

Garden visit video

Gerdine hiked down to a Kovol garden 3 hours away and spent the night there as part of her language study. She filmed a little bit of her journey and talked about it – in Dutch, but don’t worry there are English subtitles 🙂

Journey back to Kovol

We’ve been out in Goroka for several weeks, and it’s also been several weeks since we posted a blog. We decided to film the journey in as a way to get started blogging again and to give an impression of what it’s like arriving back in the bush.

Townley video

For the last 2 months, we’ve been super blessed to have Graham and Carol Townley with us in Kovol. They have been volunteering and helping us with practical projects. With Carol being around Gerdine was able to quadruple her language learning hours and jumped up 2 levels in our latest check!