Since we’re all settled in now we thought, why not go for a tour of our house?
First draft of the Kovol primers and readers
Our team has just reached a significant milestone with the completion of the first draft of our literacy materials :) We spent 2 weeks of focused time working on them with the help of two literacy consultants and we now have 87 lessons that teach all the syllables needed to read in the Kovol language. Some lessons introduce new syllables and some lessons are practice lessons that use syllables that have already been introduced to tell short stories for practice reading.
Lynette Cottam · 30/07/2020 at 11:12 am
I am SO glad that you have a twin tub washing machine. We had a Hitachi twin tub which lasted half of out time in PNG and then we got another Hitachi for the second half of our time. In 2012 Hitachi stopped making twin tubs in Australia. We were SO disappointed because we had been recommending them to all the new missionaries.
What brand is yours?
I am glad that you have now finished setting up your home.
Loving greetings to the three of you,
5 things we appreciate being out of the bush – ReachKovol · 04/08/2020 at 5:05 pm
[…] sturdy houseWe like our house in Kovol (check out the tour if you missed it, we designed it ourselves.It does wobble a bit though. Most of the time you don’t notice, […]