It’s amazing how quickly we can change our environment from being in the bush to driving around town and enjoying the tropical resorts. It’s only a 25-minute flight for us to be taken from our doorstep to the NTM centre in Madang where we can rent a guesthouse, rent vehicles and make day trips to resorts.

When we were travelling back into Kovol 5 months ago we weren’t able to get in due to the weather and we spent the night in Madang while we waited for the clouds to clear. We took the kids to the beach in the afternoon to dig in the sand and Oscar has been talking about it ever since! We decided that our next break would include some time in Madang so we could have a beach holiday.

There’s not really an opportunity for swimming up in the mountains of Kovol and so we’re spending time trying to get Alice and Millie acclimatised to the water. Alice is taking to it better than Millie! In fact, she’s doing so well that we have to watch her like hawks or she decides to lunge after things and fully submerge herself… at which point she wants to get out đ
Alice and Millie cause quite a stir as we go around town too. Our visit to the market turned into a constant chorus of delighted squeals (from PNG ladies) followed by “oh, twins?” as Alice led the way going round and waving to everyone. She managed to score a free orange and a free banana from fruit sellers and then proceeded to produce even more delight by tucking into the free fruit.
After 6 days here we’re getting used to the warmer weather, but it’s taking a toll on us as all the kids have infected sores and multiple hot baths each day to drain the pus out is just something we have to do. Poor Millie is suffering the most with hers and last night she was up often to let us know about it. It’s funny then that almost a week into our holiday we’re feeling more worn out than when we started!
And that’s all I have time for đ It’s my turn to take over childcare on the trampoline.

1 Comment
Gill Watson · 24/03/2023 at 10:18 pm
Lovely pictures, enjoy the rest of your break xx