It’s easy to get into a ‘work work work’ mindset when there’s the massive task of learning a language to do. There really is always something you could be doing, but we’ve been realising that ‘work work work’ wears us out, and as our kids get older we’re finding we need to establish weekly rhythms to make it easy to tell apart work days and rest days.
There’s not a lot to do out here, but there are plenty of things we can enjoy to relax. Here’s what we get up to in our free time:

1 Comment
Lois S. · 03/06/2022 at 6:30 am
Totally awesome! So many fond memories of when my children were small. Love the red and green glaze. At first I thought it was paint. I had a daughter who painted not just her hands but much of her body. If you want paints and have only food coloring, you can color egg yolks with the food coloring (or can use tempera powder if you have it) and paint with it with brushes or fingers. You can use it on food (if you use food coloring) but it dries much like acrylic paint if you use it on paper, wood, etc.