We’ve developed a server-based web application for our team to file culture and language information.
Designed to run on a low-power Raspberry Pi single-board computer CLAHub is a tool for missionary teams to record culture and language information, tagging it to fit in a culture outline to help in the process of synthesizing a complete culture write up at the end of language study.


Organize cultural data

Tag culture events with culture tags and see what areas of culture you know and those that need further investigation.

CLAHub recognizes tags using its culture outline and automatically gathers them in a culture outline.

Automatically link and cross reference culture events by simply typing. If the text you type is the name of another culture event CLAHub will automatically use a hyperlink to that event.

Automatic cross referencing will help pull you culture study together as a inter-linked whole.

Responsive design

Designed for mobile and desktop CLAHub is accessible on all platforms.

Multi user

CLAHub is designed to be collaborative, multiple user support was baked in from the start.


Upload images and organize and tag vernacular texts according to the genre.

Texts can be transcribed in either phonetic or orthographic text.

Images and audio relating to culture events can be viewed and heard on the culture event’s page.

Remember who’s who

Create profiles for language helpers. When you’re new to the community it’s hard to keep track of who’s who, link names to faces with profiles.

Free and Open source

CLAHub is built with open source components and is free to download, use, modify and redistribute.