Fence making

The best way to learn language is to engage all of your senses and experience what you’re learning about. You’re much more likely to remember the names of things and names of actions if you learn it as you’re doing it. Not only that you’re much more likely to get language that makes sense because you hear it used in context (if you ask your language helper nicely I’m sure he’d agree that yes you could say that you plural were holding a new, clean, red, small bowl in the past tense – but no one would say that!). Hence our language learning style emphasizes being out and about far more than labouring at a desk.

Bilbil pottery

Culture events are one of the big ideas that we use as missionaries to learn language. Getting a notebook out and asking someone to list off every verb they can think of might help you learn a few verbs, but it’ll be hard to remember. If instead we experience a Read more…

Land signing

The guys in the Kovol team are just back from spending 6 days in Kovol for a land signing agreement. The goal of our trip was to get a contract signed that would give us a bit of land we could build our houses on.