Central area conference

Alongside the planning Central area conference came to Sobega. Every year all the missionaries in the Central area (the Highlands and Madang area of PNG) leave the bush and come out for conference. A team from the US came to provide childcare and Bible teaching, and each missionary team gave an update on how things are going.

Guessing game

How much stuff can a helicopter move in 3 days? Life as a missionary seems to be jumping from one thing to another you’ve never done before, always out of your depth. The answer (we’re hoping) is 450kg X 5 per day; but we are totally weather dependent, and so Read more…

Tree of frustration

Today feels like a total, complete failure. We spent all day yesterday preparing a big tree. We get excited about big trees because they give a lot of wood. We felled it, cut it into sections, manhandled the sections into good positions, cut the scabs off so we had square Read more…

Run with endurance

Run with endurance. Not really a new idea, not really very insightful, and it could have been said by anyone. The thing that has grabbed me though is ‘the race that is set before us’. It hit me, this is the path God himself has specifically set for me. It’s no accident I’m here facing these challenges

Milling trip 2, day 4

We’ve managed to cut around 50 joists so far and have been turning the bits not deep enough to be a joist into wood for our staircases. We’ve settled into our rythem, we’re making progress and then morning rain.