Philip’s house has had a major growth spurt this weekend!

You see that super long 4×4 he’s resting his ladder on? Some tender loving care went into producing that piece of lumber

On Friday, Josh and John Michael were swapped out for Jotham and today Steve and Bill came in. Now we have one week to get the Hansen’s house in set up because after this build trip the families are moving in! (There will be an intermission between build trip and move in, just to clarify).

Meanwhile, our house is practically ready…

Our bushy bush house

My dad even got started on the boys’ quadruple bunk bed…

I’m sure no one will ever get injured on this thing

Of course, the downstairs office isn’t started and there are a lot of things to put in order, but those can all come later. I have no clue when our place will fully be finished.

Yesterday the Kovol people had a little party, and for once, we weren’t the focus of it! The occasion is that some young guys have built new houses and they were thanking everybody who helped them. It was kind of a “*wink, wink* this is expected from you guys later” type of thing.

The guys are distributing the food to the different families
Way more rice (which is hiked in from town) than I expected. And of course pig meat is the focus.
One of the six new houses
You can see our off cuts were employed in the construction. They even copied our style of stairs.

Well, one week to get the Hansen’s house in order. Please be praying that we’ll be able to get it nice and comfortable for them!

Categories: EnglishStous


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